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Our History

95% of the work we've done over the past 7 years has come directly from our salary and being good stewards of the resources we've been provided.

Community Support

We have supported local communities in Mexico, spiritually through church, physically through food, clothing, and holiday gifts, and in times of loss by ministering over funerals.

Youth Outreach

We have supported hundreds of kids through bible teaching, and supplementing their learning opportunities outside of school.

Adult High School

Our Cross to Bear has been facilitating a state-run program that helps adults earn a high school equivalent degree for free.
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Addressing Suicide and Mental Health

Our Story

I lost my baby sister to suicide.

Suicide is the most painful word I know, and using it next to my sister's memory overshadows and minimizes who she was in life.

So before I go on please know a little about her:
· We were both known for always being right so every talk became a debate between us
· She was thoughtful and gave gifts that spoke right to your heart
· She was greater than she ever gave herself credit

Why say it now? I don't want you to lose someone to suicide...
